Animate Chart Elements

The default setting for the animation of a PowerPoint chart is to apply the animation to the whole chart. In this scenario, the chart moves all at once, with no specific focus on anything in particular. However, different aspects of the chart can be shown separately by applying animations to individual chart elements. Experiment with the different Effect Options to decide which method works best with your chart. These are the five choices:

Choose As One Object to apply a single animation to the entire chart. This is the default setting.Choose By Series to animate the chart using the legend at the bottom of the chart.  Choose By Category to use the information shown along the X-axis. This information has headings along the bottom of the chart.Choose By Element in Series to animate one element in a series at a time. In the example of a column chart, the corresponding column in the chart for each topic heading listed in the legend animates one after the other. The next topic heading column in the legend animates one after another.Choose By Element in Category to animate one element in a category at a time. The corresponding chart column for each topic heading listed as a category shown along the bottom of the chart displays before going on to the next category heading column.

Customize Chart Animations

After you select an animation, adjust the timing of the individual steps of the animation.