How to Auto-BCC Every New Email

When you auto-BCC a specific email address, it will be added to every new email you send out from the Mail app. You’ll use the Mac Terminal command-line interface to create this functionality. Here’s how to set up an auto-BCC function in your Apple Mail application.

How to Disable Automatic BCC

Use this command in a Terminal window to delete the custom headers and turn off automatic BCC emails:

Why Set Up Automatic BCC in Apple Mail?

The Mac’s Mail app keeps a copy of every email message you send in the Sent folder, but some users prefer a more permanent and regular archive of their sent messages. If you have multiple email accounts and want to use one to collect copies of all your correspondence, it’s easy to BCC that email address every time you send a message. While you can do this manually, typing an email address into the BCC field of each message, it’s even easier to set up Mail to do it for you automatically. This function works if you need to automatically BCC any email address, such as your boss, on all your messages.