Block Any Email Address in Yandex.Mail

In Yandex.Mail, the spam filter takes care of most random junk emails. Still, you might receive unwanted messages. With Yandex.Mail, you can maintain a blacklist to which you can add unwanted email addresses. You won’t receive email from any address on your blacklist. To prevent messages from a particular email address from arriving in your Yandex.Mail inbox (so you have no indication the message has been sent at all):

Block a Sender Quickly in Yandex.Mail

Block future messages from a particular sender when you receive an email message from that person.

Delete Unwanted Messages Upon Receipt

Another way to avoid Yandex spam is to create a filter that sends unwanted email messages straight to the trash.

Unblock a Sender in Yandex.Mail

Remove an address from your list of blocked senders using Message Filtering.