With more than five years since the game’s release, most low to mid-range PCs should have no trouble meeting the specifications detailed. Specs detailed by Activision include CPU requirements, Operating Systems, RAM, Video Card and more. If there is ever a question as to whether a certain gaming or non-gaming PC can handle the game, it is best to run a scan from CanYouRunIt to scan your PC’s hardware and match it up with the published Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 System requirements. In addition, they also make recommendations on hardware that may be required to bring your gaming PC up to the level required to run the game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Minimum System Requirements

In addition to the single-player storyline, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 includes a competitive multiplayer game mode which includes dozens of maps and game modes to keep the game fresh and fun to play. The multiplayer mode also includes many gameplay elements and features that are part of most multiplayer shooters. This includes achievements and perks which are awarded after a certain number of kills or actions. In addition, Modern Warfare 3 includes a number of character classes for players to choose, each of which takes on a specific role within the team, such as assault, support, sniper, medic and more. If your system can handle it, but it here.