Copy and Paste Method in PowerPoint

A quick way to use slides from one presentation in another presentation is to copy the slides that you want to use and paste those slides into the new presentation.

Click and Drag Method in PowerPoint

If you’d rather use the mouse to copy slides from one presentation to another, follow these steps:

Use Destination Theme (H): The copied slide will use the same theme as the PowerPoint presentation it is pasted into.Use Source Formatting (K): The copied slide will keep the original theme and formatting as the original presentation.Picture (U): The copied slide will be pasted as a graphic into the active slide.

When you use this method, you don’t have the option to choose which theme the newly copied slide will use. The newly copied slide takes on the design theme in PowerPoint (or design template in PowerPoint 2003) of the second presentation. If you started a new presentation and haven’t applied a design theme or design template, the newly copied slide appears on the white background of the default design template.