If you only want to use part of a tape in the Magic iMovie, select the length that you want the computer to record. If you don’t select this box, it will record to the end of the tape. You can choose multiple songs to use in your iMovie. If the video runs longer than the chosen songs, the run-over video will not have any music playing under it. If your songs run longer than the video, the music will stop when the video does. “Soft Music” will play subtly in the background of the video, making it easy to hear the audio from the original footage. “Full Volume Music” will play loudly and will compete with the original audio. The “Music Only” setting will only play your selected songs, and will not include any of the original audio from the tape in the final Magic iMovie. All of the songs must use the same music setting. When you’re done, click OK. If you don’t select this box, the Magic iMovie will open in iMovie, and you’ll have the chance to view it and make any necessary editing changes.