Can You Use a Wi-Fi Extender to Extend the Streaming Range of Chromecast?

Yes, you can! However, how well it will work will depend on your setup at home. A Wi-Fi extender works on top of an existing Wi-Fi network, so if you have serious problems with connection stability, speed, and range with your network already, a Wi-Fi extender may improve the situation. It likely won’t be able to solve all your problems. Say you’ve got a Chromecast connected to a TV in a location without an excellent signal, while connections across the house aren’t a significant problem. A Wi-Fi extender can be an affordable, efficient way to extend the range of your Chromecast and let you stream wherever you’d like.

What Wi-Fi Specs and Extenders Are Compatible With Chromecast?

Chromecast devices have gone through several different iterations over the years, and accordingly, their specs and features have evolved, too. Older Chromecasts may only support the 2.4GHz wireless band instead of the 5GHz band that newer Chromecasts support. Older Chromecasts may also support older wireless standards like 802.11b/g/n instead of the more modern 802.11ac standard. On the flip side, depending on your router, if you have a particularly old network setup, you may only be broadcasting on the 2.4GHz band using the older 802.11b/g/n standard. You should do an online search to find out which wireless specs your home network and your Chromecast support for both sides. Once you have this information, search for a Wi-Fi extender with the same Wi-Fi specs as your home network and Chromecast.

How to Use Chromecast With a Wi-Fi Extender

This guide assumes you have a working Wi-Fi network and a compatible Chromecast and Wi-Fi extender. Once you have these devices ready, you can begin the setup, which will only take you a couple of minutes.