Error 0x80071ac3: The operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty.

What does it mean when a drive is dirty? Dirty, in this context, suggests that a certain file is corrupted. Here’s how to clear dirty bits and fix error 0x80071ac3.

What Causes Error 0x80071ac3?

Error 0x80071ac3 in Windows refers to dirty bits, not the physical state of the computer. With every block of memory in a computer, the processor needs to know whether the memory has been modified, whether it has been stored, and whether it should be deleted. The dirty bit is what the CPU relies on to carry out this process. Think of it like a switch: Error 0x80071ac3 informs you the switch on a particular drive is jammed. There are a number of causes for this error:

Bad sectors on the hard disk. You can’t read or write to these areas of the hard drive. Specific files may be corrupted due to suddenly removing the drive or unplugging the power source without properly shutting down the computer. The external drives may have a problem due to incomplete or uninstalled drivers.  A drive may be at the end of its life cycle and worn out.

After you fix the dirty bit, there are a number of things you can do to avoid this error from reoccurring:

Always safely eject drives and other data storage devices before disconnecting them. For drives that have their own power source, plug them into a surge protector to prevent sudden power outages or surges from damaging the drive. Fix or replace frayed wires and loose switches as soon as possible.

How to Resolve Error 0x80071ac3

Try these steps in order until you no longer see the error message:

How to Clean Dirty Bits With Chkdsk

To troubleshoot error 0x80071ac3 using the Command Prompt: You will be informed that the drive is dirty or not dirty. Repeat the command for each drive until you find the dirty one. This ensures that the drive does not boot on startup, allowing the computer to start normally. The disk should come back as not dirty.