Discover how to find and access firewall directions for Windows 7. If you’re seeking information on firewalls in Windows 10, we have that, too.  To find the firewall, left-click on, in sequence, Start/Control Panel/System and Security. That will bring you to the window shown here. Left-click on “Windows Firewall,” outlined here in red. It’s a good idea to leave this checked, as a security measure. For example, you may have a virus, spyware or other malicious program try to load itself on your computer. This way, you can keep the program from loading. It’s a good idea to block any program you have not just loaded from a disc or downloaded from the Internet. In other words, if you didn’t initiate the installation of the program in question yourself, block it, because it’s likely to be dangerous. The “Block all incoming connections…” checkbox will essentially shut your computer down from all networks, including the Internet, any home networks or any work networks you’re on. I’d only check this is your computer support person asks you to for some reason. The Windows Firewall is a powerful security tool and one you should use at all times. If connected to the Internet, your computer could be compromised in minutes, or even less, if the firewall is disabled or otherwise turned off. If you get a warning that it’s off, take immediate action – and I do mean immediate – to get it working again.