Many Email Folders: Organized So Well, and So Unwieldy

Folders are a fine way to organize; organize papers, organize stamps from South America, and organize emails, of course. In Mozilla Thunderbird, you can create as many folders as you want—including virtual folders that automatically collect messages based on certain criteria, and even each account can have its own set. The more folders, the unwieldier the list of folders becomes, though. Would it not be great if you could somehow limit the list to a few favorite mailboxes—easily accessible no matter how deep down in your folder tree they may be? Would it not be helpful to have at hand a list of just the folders with unread messages? Would it not be convenient to be able to return quickly to mailboxes you have recently visited? Fortunately, Mozilla Thunderbird can do all of that, and do it elegantly. You can reduce the list of folders to just the most useful ones. They will appear flat one after the other, not in a hierarchy, though account names will appear.

Focus on Unread, Recent or Favorite Folders in Mozilla Thunderbird

To have Mozilla Thunderbird show you only a subset of all your email folders: To return to the full expandable list of folders: Inside any folder, you can search for specific messages fast, too.

The One-Click Mozilla Thunderbird Folder List Cycle

As a convenient alternative to the menu, Mozilla Thunderbird offers a way to quickly cycle through the different folder views: