These Google Collections let users access their saved images at a later date on any other device that they’re logged in on. Here’s how to use Google’s Collections to save images.

How to Save Google Image Search Pictures

Google’s Collections can be accessed on all computers, tablets, and smartphones via any web browser such as Google Chrome, Brave, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Collections are completely free to use. All that’s needed is a Google account and an active internet connection.

How to View Saved Images on Google

After saving images from a Google Image Search to a Collection, you can view it at any time by going to and logging in with the same Google account you were using when you saved the picture. Your Google Collection can be accessed from within any browser on any device. There is no limit as to how many images you can save to a Collection.

How to Remove Saved Images From a Google Collection

Saved images can be removed from your Collection at any time by performing the following steps.