Siri is the voice recognition personal assistant for iOS and, by default, it’s turned on even when the device is on the lock screen. So, your intended victim can have their iPhone protected by a passcode and you can still pull a prank on them. Activate Siri as you normally do by holding down the Home Button and give her a command. One funny prank is to create a string of reminders, such as:

“Remind me at 9PM to check my tire pressure.““Remind me at 9:10PM to really check my tire pressure.““Remind me at 9:15PM that tire pressure is the gateway to safe driving.”

You can also use Siri to set an alarm at a way-too-early time or schedule a fake meeting. Just remember, this prank could be pulled on you too, so you might want to turn Siri off while on the lock screen. The result is a home screen full of apps that won’t launch because they are actually part of the wallpaper. The victim can still launch docked apps and can still move to a different page to launch an app, but even moving to a different page gives the iPhone or iPad a broken effect when the original apps seem to stay in place. Select this photo for a blue screen that can be sized so it doesn’t overfill the screen. I like to place it between the time being displayed and the slide to unlock instruction. Make it funnier by suggesting they reboot the device because that solves most problems. Of course, rebooting won’t do anything, but the process of doing it will make the issue seem even more serious. You can get to the accessibility options by going Settings>General>Accessibility.