Ask any computer repair professional, and they will probably tell you the power supply is the most common piece of hardware to fail in a computer. It’s very often the first thing to fail as a computer ages.

How to Test the Power Supply in Your Computer

You can test it yourself manually using a multimeter (method #1) or you can purchase a power supply tester to perform an automatic PSU test (method #2). Both methods are equally effective, so which one you choose is completely up to you. Here’s some more information on how to test your power supply with each of these methods, and some help deciding which way is best for you:

Method #1: Test a Power Supply Manually With a Multimeter

Assuming you have a multimeter and screwdriver, you can test your power supply right now, following the directions above. If you don’t own a multimeter, you can usually find a basic one at any major retailer for around $30. It’s going to take a little work on your part to thoroughly test your power supply. If you do decide to, be sure to see the warning at the bottom of this page for more information.

Method #2: Test a Power Supply Using a Power Supply Tester

A power supply tester lets you stay a bit more removed from the electricity than with a multimeter test. Since they were invented because manual tests are manual and introduce human error, the results of a PSU test with a power supply tester unit is more conclusive. Depending on your choice of tester, you’re probably looking to spend from around $10 to $40 USD.

Did Your Power Supply Fail a Test?

Replace the power supply. That’s right, just replace it, even if it’s partially working. It’s never a safe idea to fix one yourself. If you insist on having your PSU repaired rather than replaced, then please seek the assistance of a professional repair person.