How Often Should You Replace Your Computer?

There is no absolute rule of thumb when it comes to replacing a computer. It’s due to the fact computers are built very differently and sometimes for certain, specific tasks. Also, how well you take care of your computer can play a role in how long it lasts. If you find your computer is too slow or its standard features no longer work, and you cannot upgrade your computer to solve the problem, it’s likely the end of the line for your computer. That can be in as little as two years if you end up doing more advanced work than when you first bought it or 15 years if it’s doing basic bookkeeping in a small store or office. However, it’s more likely that you’ll get to a point where the upgrades necessary to get your computer to a state you’re happy with will be more expensive or as expensive than simply replacing it. For example, if you have an old CPU that needs upgrading, but that would also require you to replace your RAM and your motherboard. Since that’s already a large portion of the computer, it might cost less to buy a whole new one.

Do Desktops Last Longer Than Laptops?

Most of the time, yes, they will. Laptops are much smaller and denser than a desktop computer, and as a result, there’s less space for cooling and heat dissipation. Thus your components will, on average, run hotter than they will on a desktop, which means a shorter lifespan. Laptops are also more difficult to upgrade than desktop computers. Laptops are often impossible to upgrade because it’s challenging to take them apart and put them back together. Also, many laptops have custom parts that you can’t replace with ones off the shelf.

What Is Considered an Old Computer?

Most of the time, if a friend or loved one says they have an old computer, they most likely mean the computer doesn’t work as well as it used to, not that it’s a genuinely ancient 20-year-old beast. Computer parts don’t have shelf lives in the sense that after a certain number of years, like smartphone batteries, they will work less efficiently and perform worse. Outside of genuinely ancient devices that are decades old and can’t do many things a modern computer can do, whether your computer is old or not is hardly a technical label. Calling a computer old is only helpful in describing how well a computer works in relation to when you purchased it. Making sure your drives aren’t fragmented, keeping enough free space to install new applications, physically cleaning your computer regularly, replacing parts that break, and upgrading parts will massively extend a computer’s life.