Apple sold 16.12 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2016, and this number was called a disappointment because it failed to surpass the 21.42 million sold in the first quarter of 2015 or the 26.04 million sold in the first quarter of 2014. Apple’s fiscal year starts in October, so Q1 sales account for the holiday season. While the original iPad debuted in March, the company switched to an October-November time frame with the 4th generation iPad. In 2016, Apple announced the 9.7-inch iPad Pro in March and skipped announcing a new iPad in the Fall. In 2020, the company released the 8th generation 9.7-inch iPad model, the 4th generation iPad Pro, and the 4th generation iPad Air.

Are iPad Sales Declining?

In a word: Yes. But this is to be expected. If the computer were just now invented, it would have amazing sales for the first five years, but eventually, most people that wanted a computer would already have one. New sales would have to come from some other avenue such as businesses, new markets where people couldn’t originally afford a computer, or upgrades from people who thought their computer required replacement. The upgrade cycle is what drives the industry. Most of us have a computer, and we only buy one when our old one breaks or becomes outdated. The iPad is just now starting that same cycle, with the iPad 2 and original iPad Mini—two of the best-selling iPads of all time—now among the best iPads that are obsolete. Apple is also focusing more on the enterprise market with the release of the iPad Pro line of tablets. These newer iPads rival a laptop in terms of performance and are paired with a new Smart Keyboard accessory. Apple also developed a partnership with IBM to advance enterprise solutions in various industries. And while the iPad may never again reach peak sales like the 26 million units sold in the first fiscal quarter of 2014, iPad sales have mostly stabilized. Apple sells approximately 10 million iPads per quarter. In a phone call following the end of the fiscal fourth quarter in 2018, Tim Cook announced that Apple would no longer report quarterly iPhone and iPad sales.

iPad Sales by Year