How to Change Your Profile Picture in Gmail

You can also change your Gmail profile picture from within Gmail’s settings. However, going this route only lets you upload a new picture, not select one you already have on your Google account.

Why Change My Gmail Profile Picture?

Your Gmail profile picture is what people see when they open your emails in their Gmail account. You can change this picture any time you want and for any reason by clicking on your existing image or avatar. You should have a profile picture in Gmail not only for people you know but also those you don’t to minimize the anonymity behind your email address. When you update your Gmail profile photo, anyone who hovers a mouse over your name or email address from their email account will see your updated profile image. You can only use one image across your entire Google account, with the exception of Gmail and YouTube. When you change your Gmail profile image, you can make it change just for Gmail, or you can have all of your profile pictures change across any other Google-run public page you might have, like in Hangouts. In YouTube, you can set a separate picture that’s different from your Google Account.