Add a Contact Who Already Has Viber

It’s easy to add a contact who is already a Viber user.

Add a New Contact Who Doesn’t Have Viber

If the person you want to add to your Viber contacts doesn’t yet use Viber, send them an invitation to the service.

Another Easy Way to Add a Contact

Use the More tab to add a contact quickly and easily.

Call Someone Without Viber Using Viber Out

If your new contact is not a Viber user and doesn’t accept the invitation to sign up, you can still call them using the Viber Viber Out VoIP service. Viber Out has several paid plans that allow users to call phone numbers worldwide. The service also has a “World Credits” option, allowing you to pay for credits to be used as you make calls. Visit the Viber Viber Out page to learn more.

Invite a Current Contact to Use Viber

It’s easy to invite any current contact to use Viber.