Upload a PDF File to Your Website

To upload a PDF file to your website, use the file upload program that your web service provides. If they don’t offer a file upload program, you’ll need to find an FTP program to upload your PDF to your website.

After uploading a PDF, here’s how to add a link to the PDF on your website:

Make Sure PDF Files Are Allowed

Some hosting services don’t allow files over a specific size, and some don’t allow you to have certain types of data on your website; this might include PDF files. Make sure that what you are about to add to your website is allowed by your web hosting service. You don’t want to get your site shut down for not following the rules or do a lot of work getting ready to add the PDF file to your website only to find out you can’t.  Where did you upload the PDF file? Did you add the PDF file to the main folder on your website or to another folder? Find the PDF file that you uploaded, and copy the URL. Most website hosts will generate a URL for your PDF. You can make the anchor text for the PDF file link say anything you want. For example:

You uploaded the PDF file to the main directory in your file manager on your website.The PDF file is called flowers.pdf.The anchor text you want the reader to select to download the PDF file is, “Click here for the PDF file called flowers.”

Or, if you use a website designer such as Wix, go to the exact space on your website where you want to add the text (or image) that will link to your PDF. Add the link according to the web host’s instructions. If you’re creating your website on your computer, verify that the link to the PDF file on your hard drive works properly before uploading the PDF file to your server. If you’re using a website builder, preview or publish the website, then select the link to verify the PDF will open. If your hosting service does not allow you to have PDF files on your website, you can get your own domain name for your website or switch to another hosting service that allows PDF files or large files on websites.