How Do You Add Multiple Stops on Google Maps?

The process for adding multiple stops on Google Maps is similar across desktop and mobile apps.

Add Stops on Desktop

To add stops on Google Maps on your desktop, follow these steps.

Add Stops on Mobile

To add stops on Google Maps on your mobile device, follow these steps.

Is There a Way to Add More Than 10 Stops on Google Maps?

Unfortunately, Google Maps sets a hard limit on the number of stops you can enter into one route. You could open a new tab and start a new route from your last stop, but Google actually has an even better solution: My Maps.  This free tool is part of Google’s Workspace tools and lets you create your own maps and share them with multiple users like a Google Doc. Although My Maps also has a stop limit of 10, you can create additional layers to keep your multi-stop route going. Here’s how to do it:

Can I Mark a Route on Google Maps?

Google Maps offers little in the way of customization, but you can add labels to individual stops on your route for a bit of personalization.