The first and easiest way to post your blog to Facebook is to simply share the blog posts manually as status updates. This is by far the easiest and most direct way to advertise your blog for free and share your content with your Facebook friends.

Set up Auto-Blog Posts

The third and most complicated way to link your blog to Facebook is to set up auto-posting so that whenever you post on your blog, your Facebook friends can see each new post automatically. To delete the link from the blog post to use a new link or to not post a link at all, use the small “x” at the top right of the preview box.

Another way to post your blog on Facebook is to simply add the link to your blog on your Facebook profile. That way, when someone is looking through your contact details on your profile, they will see your blog and be able to go directly to it without waiting for you to post a blog update. If you don’t see this link, then you already have a URL posted there. Hover your mouse over the existing link and choose Edit and then Add another website. When you link your blog to Facebook, each time you publish a new post, a snippet of that post appears on your profile’s home page as a status update. Every friend that you’re connected with on Facebook will automatically see your blog post on their Facebook account where they can click through and visit your blog to read the rest of the post. Alternatively, check your blog’s settings to see if it’ll post to Facebook on your behalf. WordPress, for example, offers several dozen different free and paid plugins to socialize blog content. Although the setup and configuration steps for each plugin differs, in general, you’ll authenticate the plugin with Facebook then set either an automatic or per-post setting to transmit your blog to the social network.