Facebook Polls

Facebook pages are public profiles created for businesses, causes, brands, celebrities, and other organizations. While personal profiles have friends, Facebook pages gain fans when people choose to like the page. All Facebook pages have a built-in poll feature. Unfortunately, polls are currently limited to just two options from which fans can choose. If you’re looking for a quick and simple question feature that involves only two basic answers, then creating Facebook polls is a great option. To access polls, in the status update box select the three dots followed by Poll.

Surveys for Pages

Surveys for Pages is a third-party app that is easily integrated into your Facebook page. Surveys for Pages offers more customizable options than a poll, including the ability to select the question type (multiple-choice, text box, scale of 1 to 5, etc.), add as many answer options as you want, and even choose colors to highlight your survey. The downside: Surveys for Pages can’t be embedded seamlessly into your page as a post, as Facebook polls can. Instead, add the survey as a tab to your Facebook page, share it as a link, or embed it into your website.

How to Use the Survey for Pages App

Question: Enter your question. Select + Add instructions if you have more details.Question Type: The default question type is multiple choice, but there are seven other types.Options: Enter each different answer option in each field. Select Add Option to add more or Add Other to include an option where fans can type in their own answer. Add an optional image with each answer option by selecting the camera icon to the right of each.Configuration: Choose whether you want the question to be mandatory and if you want the answer options to appear in a randomized order.

Customize the Timeline post: Select Replace image, Edit title, or Edit description so that when you post the link to your page, fans are more likely to select it.Add the survey to your Facebook page: Select Add to a Facebook Page and follow the instructions to install the survey as a tab.Post the survey on your Timeline: Select the clipboard icon to automatically copy the link to paste in a post to your page.Embed the survey on your website: Select Show embed code to copy a piece of code to paste into the HTML code of your website or blog.Invite your friends: Send personalized messages to friends asking them to complete your survey question.