How to Cancel ESPN Plus

You can cancel your ESPN+ subscription at any time on your PC or mobile device by following these steps:

How to Cancel ESPN Plus on a Roku

If you signed up for ESPN+ through your Roku account, you can cancel your account from the Roku website:

Other ESPN+ Cancellation Methods

There are other ways to cancel your ESPN+ service if you don’t want to use the method above:

Email: Send an email to containing your account details along with your cancellation request. It should be sent from the email account used to create your ESPN+ account and should contain all pertinent details, with the exception of your password and credit card number.Phone: You can also cancel your subscription the old fashioned way by calling 1-800-727-1800.

How to Reactivate Your ESPN+ Account

After cancellation, your account information remains intact for an indefinite period, allowing you to quickly reactivate it at a later date. Follow the steps above until you’re prompted to reinstate your subscription. You’ll be asked to confirm your desired plan and payment details.