How Do You Open a Logitech Mouse Battery Compartment?

If you’re having trouble with your Logitech mouse, like your pointer is skipping or drifting, or you can’t locate your pointer at all, the problem is most likely your battery needs to be changed. Unless you are using a Logitech rechargeable wireless mouse, this is just a matter of taking off the battery cover, removing the old batteries, and installing the new ones.

Replace the Batteries From the Bottom

If you have a Logitech mouse that has a bottom battery compartment, it should be easy to change the batteries out.

Replace the Batteries From the Top

If you’re using a Logitech mouse model with a top battery case, you’ll need to release the lock on the battery door before you can open it.

How Do I Change the Battery in My Logitech Wireless Mouse?

If you’re changing the batteries in your Logitech mouse, there are a few things you should keep in mind as you work through the process:

Always use fresh batteries. If you use old batteries, the mouse might not work, which could make you think something is wrong with the device when in truth it’s just dead “new” batteries.Use firm, but gentle pressure when removing the battery compartment door. You don’t want to push too hard if the door slides, because the downward pressure could prevent it from sliding. Likewise, you don’t want to pry too hard and break something when the battery compartment door is actually a push door.When in doubt, refer to the Logitech website to find specific instructions for your model of mouse. Since there are different types, it’s possible the instructions here are not appropriate for the mouse you have.