How Do You Change What Siri Calls You?

Siri relies on your contact information to know what to call you. If you want Siri to call you something else, you can either change your name in your contact information or enter a nickname. By default, Siri will use the first name listed in your contact information. If there is a nickname listed, Siri will use that instead. Here’s how to change what Siri calls you:

How to Get Siri to Call You By a Nickname

If you have a nickname set on your contact card, Siri will use that instead of your actual name. The nickname field isn’t always present by default, but it’s easy to add. Here’s how to get Siri to call you by a nickname:

How to Fix It If Siri Pronounces Your Name Wrong

Siri is pretty good at figuring out how to pronounce names, but it isn’t perfect. If it’s close enough, you may be willing to let it slide. If it isn’t, then you can train the virtual assistant to pronounce it correctly by providing it with a sample of your pronunciation. Here’s how to fix Siri’s pronunciation of your name:

Why Would You Change What Siri Calls You?

There are many reasons to change what Siri calls you. Maybe you don’t like using your given name in most circumstances, and you prefer a different name. Some people prefer to go by their middle name instead of their first name, and Siri defaults to the first name. Some people have long or complicated first names and prefer a shortened version or prefer to go by a nickname. Of course, it can also be fun to have Siri call you something off the wall or humorous. Just keep in mind that the name Siri uses for you may appear in your email signatures, instant messaging, contact card, and elsewhere. Regardless of the reason, you make the change by tweaking your contact card.