Supplies You Need

You might not need every supply listed here to clean your camera’s various components. The first item is essential, though; it will clean all parts of your point-and-shoot digital camera safely. You should be able to find everything you need at a camera or electronics store or online.

Anti-static microfiber cloth (free of chemicals and oils; stored in a plastic, re-sealable bag for protection)Lens-cleaning paper or a clean, soft, cotton clothLens-cleaning fluid (may substitute a few drops of clean water)A small, soft-bristle brush

Supplies to Avoid When Cleaning

Don’t ever use these items to clean your lens or LCD screen under any circumstances:

Canned air (it expels the air so forcefully that it could drive dust and particles into the camera housing if it isn’t airtight) Paper towels Paper napkins Any cloth with particles on it Any rough cloth Excessive liquid Coarse-bristle brush Any type of liquid cleaning agent, unless your camera store or manufacturer specifically recommends it

Cleaning the Lens at Home

Cleaning your lens properly takes a bit of time. Here’s how:

Cleaning the Lens on the Go

At times, you’ll need to clean your camera or your lens while you’re out and about. If you know you’ll be using the camera outdoors, pack your cleaning supplies in your camera bag and follow the steps above. If you forgot your cleaning supplies, and you absolutely cannot wait until you return home to clean the lens, try these substitute steps:

Cleaning the LCD

Cleaning the LCD screen is important, too.

Cleaning the Camera Body

The camera body can get grimy over time. Here’s how to clean it:

Final Cleaning Tips

Here are a few ideas to make cleaning your camera easier and more effective;

Never touch the lens with your skin. Your fingers could leave difficult-to-remove oils on the lens. Try to avoid touching the LCD for the same reason, although this can be difficult to avoid.Try a lens-cleaning pen. This helps remove grime and fingerprints from the lens and LCDs. Some cleaning pens have a soft brush on one end of the pen, too. A lens-cleaning pen is a much better option than a t-shirt or a facial tissue when you’re away from home.Check your camera manufacturer’s website or user guide for specific instructions and tips. You might find some specific tricks for your particular brand or model.