How to Create the Google Shortcut

You are free to change any of the steps listed below or add your own steps so this shortcut keeps a record of everything you want. There are a lot of steps, but it’s pretty easy to do. Once you are done, you will simply need to say “Hey Google, I’m getting pulled over” to begin the routine. Reddit user FeistyAppearance wrote instructions for this routine and YouTuber Juan Carlos Bagnell put together a video tutorial on what it does and how it works. In this case, you can add or change any of the steps we suggest. If you follow the steps we prescribe, your phone will:

What Will an ‘I’m Getting Pulled Over’ Shortcut Do?

Send a text to a contact Put your phone on silent Turn down any media that might be playing (podcasts/music/etc.) Set your screen brightness to zero Turn on Do Not Disturb Start a selfie video

Before creating this routine it’s a good idea to know your legal standing regarding recording police encounters. Different states have different rules. The ACLU and EFF (Electronics Frontier Foundation) both have great articles about it, so it’s a good idea to visit those sites, in addition to doing your own research. This is especially true if you live outside of the US.

Recommendations for Police Interactions

Generally, recording interactions with police in the course of their public duties is considered a First Amendment right under the Constitution of the United States. What’s important is to stay calm, and do not prevent the police from exercising their duties. If you are a bystander, stay at a good distance. If you are a subject involved in the police action, stay calm, follow orders, and do not resist or interfere.