How to Delete a Facebook Group

To delete a Facebook Group, the creator must remove all members and then leave the Facebook Group themself. Taking these actions permanently removes the Facebook Group. You can delete a Facebook Group in a web browser or via the Facebook mobile app.

How to Pause a Facebook Group

If you’d rather not permanently delete a Facebook Group, consider pausing it instead. You can pause the Group indefinitely; it’s easy to reactive it when you’re ready. You’ll need to pause your Group from Facebook in a web browser, and you’ll need to be an admin.

What’s the Difference Between Pausing and Deleting?

Pausing and deleting a Facebook Group are different actions. Both are useful functions for the person who created and manages the Facebook Group. Pausing a Facebook Group closes it off to further discussions. Group members can still access the Group and look at old posts, but there’s no new activity, such as new posts or comments, until the admin resumes the Group. No new members can join. Deleting a Facebook Group permanently removes the Group; there’s no option to reactivate. Admins should undertake this action only if they’re sure they don’t want the Group to continue in any form.