How to Get Rid of System Storage on iPhone 

It’s not actually possible to completely delete system storage on iPhone. System storage is made up of vital system files your iPhone needs to operate, so your only option is to try to reduce the storage.  To check how much system storage takes up on your iPhone, follow these steps.

How Can I Reduce iPhone System Storage?

While you can’t just delete iPhone system storage, you can perform a few steps to reduce it. Here’s an overview of how to reduce iPhone system storage.

Restart your iPhone. Restart your iPhone to clear many of the temporary files contained within system storage. Reduce your message history. All your messages are kept as cache files within system storage. Tap Settings > Messages > Message History > and reduce the length of time in which your messages are saved to reduce the data used. Delete and reinstall apps. All apps keep a certain amount of temporary data within system storage. Delete and reinstall them to clear it. Factory reset your iPhone. Restoring your iPhone to its original settings is a big step, but it often clears space you can’t delete in any other way. Consider it as a last resort solution.

What Is iPhone System Storage?

iPhone system storage includes a lot of different files that you might not think about. To understand its purpose, here’s a look at what’s included:

Essential files. For the most part, iPhone system storage contains the essential files needed to use your iPhone, such as those that support the operating system. That’s why it’s not possible to delete it. Cached/temporary files. Cache files are there to support other activities you might be completing, and they soon add up. iPhone system storage may include a lot of these temporary files. Updates. Any iPhone update waiting to be installed is left listed under system storage. If you haven’t updated in a while but you have downloaded the relevant file, this could be the contents of your system storage. Logs. System storage can contain logs as well as files that you will never access but are necessary for certain technical purposes.