How to Delete Netflix History

To delete or remove TV and movie titles from your Netflix viewing history, use a computer or mobile device to log into your Netflix account. Then follow these steps to view your Netflix viewing activity and delete anything you don’t want to show up:

What Happens to Deleted Content?

After a title is removed or cleared from your Netflix viewing history, you will no longer see the titles in the Recently Watched or Continue Watching categories on the Netflix home screen. A message informs you that the content will be removed from your viewing activity within 24 hours. Select Hide Series to continue. Additionally, the titles aren’t included in future viewing recommendations. However, the content will be accessible through search and may show up in one of your genre categories.

The Bottom Line

If you have multiple Netflix account profiles, or other members of your household have their own account, each will have their own viewing history and can access and manage their viewing activity using the above steps. However, viewing history for any account profiles set up as a Kids account cannot be deleted. If you didn’t view some titles on your viewing activity list, and you suspect that someone else or another device accessed your account, select Recent Device Streaming Activity on the main account page. If there is a problem, Netflix provides some possible solutions. Netflix offers a Privacy Mode, which prevents others from accessing the viewing activity list, but this feature is not available to all users. If you have any questions regarding this capability, check the Netflix Test Participation Page or contact Netflix support directly.