How to Do a Hanging Indent in Google Slides

To add a hanging indent to your Google Slides presentations, follow these steps:

How to Do a Hanging Indent in Google Slides With the Keyboard

Using the steps from the previous section is the best way to create a hanging indent in Google Slides because the indents you create that way stay in place no matter how much text you add. That type of hanging indent can also be applied to multiple sentences or paragraphs. There’s another way to create a hanging indent that’s quick and is handy if you only need to indent a single line. Here’s what to do:

What Is a Hanging Indent?

A hanging indent is a text formatting style, like bullet points. It gets its name because the first line of the formatted text has a normal indentation, while all other lines are indented more than the first. Because of that, the first line “hangs” out over the rest. Hanging indents are often used for academic citation formats (including MLA and Chicago style) and bibliographies. They can also be a good way to add an eye-catching text effect that emphasizes certain material. Here’s an example of a hanging indent from a word processing document: Hanging indents are more common in text documents created using Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other similar programs than they are in presentations like those made in Google Slides. Still, in some cases you may want to use the feature in presentations to cite sources or for visual effect.