How to Check for Updates in Windows 8.1

The procedure for downloading updates in Windows 8.1 is very similar to the process in Windows 8. However, since 8.1 overhauled the PC Settings app, you’ll find the process is no longer broken between the modern app and the legacy Control Panel. Everything you need is in one place. The Windows Update page gives you all the information you need to learn the state of your update settings including whether you are set up to download your updates automatically and whether or not there are updates currently ready for installation. 

Manually Trigger Updates

From the Windows Update page, you have the option to check for updates manually.

Change Automatic Update Settings

It’s easy enough to manually trigger updates, but this method is not the best strategy for most users. The average person will simply forget to regularly check for updates, and their system will go unprotected missing out on critical security patches. To prevent this issue—and to ensure that your computer always has the latest updates installed—you should enable automatic updates. As mentioned above, all the update functions of Windows are baked into the new and improved PC settings. There’s no need to bounce between PC settings and the Control Panel. To change how updates are installed on your computer: Provided you’ve selected automatic updates, you won’t have to worry about updates again. Windows will simply install them in the background and ask you to restart your computer when necessary. Though there may be times you want to hurry that process up with a manual check such as when a critical update patch is released.

Install updates automatically.Download updates but let me choose whether to install them.Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them.Never check for updates.

Give me the recommended updates the same way I receive important updates.Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows.

To provide the best protection, select both.

What Are Windows Updates?

Updates regularly contain patches for security vulnerabilities that could allow infections in your machine, bug fixes that resolve errors, and features that could make your operating system more useful. Though you should have automatic updates configured, that isn’t always the case. To keep your computer safe you’ll need to know how to manually trigger updates and change your update settings.