How to Turn the Chrome PDF Viewer On and Off

Google Chrome’s built-in PDF file viewer is turned on by default. It is convenient if you want to view PDFs as quickly as possible, but if you prefer to download copies of PDF files, you can turn off the Chrome PDF viewer to make those downloads happen automatically. The following instructions can be followed by Chrome users on all major operating systems, including macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

Reasons to Turn On the Chrome PDF Viewer

You want fast and instant access to PDF files.You don’t always necessarily want to download every PDF file that you click on to view.You don’t plan on editing any of the PDF files you open and only need access to the basic options (download, print, zoom in, zoom out, etc.)You don’t favor any other PDF programs over Chrome’s PDF viewer.

Reasons to Turn Off the Chrome PDF Viewer

You want a saved copy of the PDF files you open in Chrome.You often forget to download PDF files after opening it in Chrome, then find yourself having to relocate the PDF file link at a later time.You want to eliminate the step of having to view the PDF file in Chrome first.You want to automate the download process.You prefer to use a different PDF program to view files and/or edit them.