How to Get Your IP Address on a Mac

The quickest and easiest way to find your public IP address is to open your web browser of choice and perform a Google search for “what is my IP address.” The search results page should display your public IP address at the very top in its own separate box. If you’d rather not use Google, you can also manually locate your public IP address.

How to Find Your Private IP Address on a Mac

Finding your private IP address is a little simpler than manually locating your public one—though not as easy as a Google search.

What’s the Difference Between a Public and Private IP Address?

A public IP address is the address used for accessing the internet and can apply to a single computer or an entire network. A Private (or “local”) IP address is used for accessing a local network and is assigned to individual connected devices by your router. It’s possible for devices to share the same private IP address (if they’re on different networks), but no two systems will share the same public IP address at the same time.