Why Won’t Pixel Watch Turn On?

Possible reasons your Pixel Watch won’t turn on could be:

Dead batterySoftware bugBad hardware

A dead battery is the most likely culprit. If it’s not that, consider that you might be pressing the wrong button for power. It’s also possible the watch is on, but the screen is black. In this case, it’s likely a software bug is preventing the screen from showing anything. Finally, you might be experiencing a physical hardware issue that’s out of your control to fix.

How to Fix a Google Pixel Watch Not Turning On

Follow these steps in the order they’re given to try the more likely fixes first. There are two buttons on Pixel Watch. The crown is the protruding scrolling wheel; this is what you press-and-hold for a few seconds to turn the watch on. The other side button is for accessing recent apps (press once) and Google Assistant (press-and-hold). Considering that you’ve already tried Step 2, do a force reboot: take it off your wrist, and hold both the crown and the side button at the same time until you see the Google logo (it could take anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds). Some users who have experienced a supposed bricked Pixel Watch were able to use it again after letting the battery fully drain. This might be your situation, too, if the screen is black but the watch shows signs of life, like vibrations and flickering light from the heart rate sensor. On the Google Pixel Watch app’s home screen, scroll down to select System, and then tap Reset and unpair watch. See Google’s Hardware Warranty Center if the watch is still under warranty. Assuming the fault isn’t your responsibility, you might be able to return it for a refund, exchange, or repair.