What Is wdf01000.sys?

Wdf01000.sys is a driver for Windows, part of what Microsoft calls the Windows Driver Framework. When it works properly, you don’t realize it’s in use. All current users of Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 will likely find at least some reference to wdf01000.sys in their systems.

How Does wdf01000.sys Cause Errors?

This could be for any number of reasons, including outdated drivers on old equipment, malware downloaded by accident, and corrupted files. Plus, these errors can occur at any time, not only when booting up a program or plugging in a device, or might only happen when you perform specific actions. While there are several ways the error can be listed, wdf01000.sys is usually in the text of the crash dump or error code, cited at the end of the error text.

How to Fix wdf01000.sys Errors

The wdf01000.sys driver is a standard piece of software, and preventing or fixing the error is consistent across all Windows versions.