The Cause of an Acer Laptop That Won’t Turn On

There’s many reasons why an Acer laptop might not turn on, but the cause is usually one of three key problems.

An issue with the Acer laptop’s boot sequence.A problem with the battery or power supply.A hardware failure.

The first two problems can cause an Acer laptop to appear unresponsive. In some cases the Acer laptop might briefly flash to life but then fail to start, but in other situations the laptop may not react at all when you press the power button. Fortunately, these problems can often be fixed once you know the right steps. A hardware failure is the worst-case scenario and the one problem you won’t be able to fix at home, but it’s also the least common cause.

How to Fix an Acer Laptop That Won’t Turn On

Follow these steps to fix an Acer laptop which won’t turn on. The steps are arranged in an order from the most simple to most complex, so be sure to follow them in order. An Acer laptop may attempt to boot from an external drive if it detects a boot drive is connected. Let’s eliminate this as a possible cause of failure. These peripherals should not be detected as a boot drive but in rare cases an Acer laptop may become confused. It’s also possible a problem with a connected device, such as a USB peripheral attempting to draw too much power over USB and so causing the Acer laptop to stop attempting to turn on. Be sure to use the default power adapter included with your laptop for this step. Do not use a third-party hub (USB or Thunderbolt). Most Acer laptops will include an LED light which indicates when the laptop is connected to power. It may not be near the power connector, so be sure to check all sides of the laptop. This LED will be lit if the laptop is receiving power. An Acer laptop with a defective screen may appear unresponsive at a glance. If an external monitor works, it means the laptop’s built-in screen is not working. A laptop with a battery discharged to its bare minimum may not power on even when connected to power. This is a built-in protection to prevent further battery discharge of a battery already at its minimum. Accessing BIOS may not entirely resolve the issue but, if successful, it means the problem is with the Windows boot sequence, not the laptop itself. You can try troubleshooting why Windows doesn’t boot. It’s possible a hardware configuration issue has caused the Acer laptop to stop booting, or the new hardware is defective.