How Hulu Error Code Runtime 2 Appears

When this error occurs, you will usually see a message that looks like this: The eight character alphanumeric sequence that follows runtime-2 is unique to your specific playback failure, so write it down in case you need to provide it to Hulu customer support. The rest of the message can vary slightly from one failure to the next, but all instances of Hulu error code runtime-2 require you to check and fix similar things.

Causes of Hulu Error Code Runtime 2

Runtime errors occur when a program crashes, and Hulu runtime error 2 is most commonly caused when the Hulu app or web player experiences a sudden failure. In most cases, this issue can be corrected by updating your Hulu app and streaming device, clearing the local cache, and resetting your device. In less common situations, Hulu runtime-2 error codes can be caused by network or connection problem, problem with Hulu’s servers, or a compatibility issue between your streaming device and the Hulu app that will require Hulu or the manufacturer of your streaming device to release a fix.

How to Fix the Hulu Error Code Runtime 2

To fix Hulu error code runtime -2, follow each of these steps in order. If Hulu starts working at any point, you can stop going through the list, and come back if the error reoccurs later.

What if Hulu Still Doesn’t Work?

If you still experience Hulu error code runtime -2 after going through all of these steps, then the problem is almost certainly on Hulu’s end. There might be an issue with Hulu’s servers, Hulu could be down, or there could be a compatibility issue between your Hulu app and streaming device that will require Hulu to develop and release a fix. To clear a Roku’s cache, press Home to return to the home screen, then press Home five times, Rewind two times, and Fast Forward two times. The Roku will clear its cache and restart in about 30 seconds. You may want to contact Hulu customer support at this point to see if they are aware of the problem, and provide the entire unique runtime error code to assist in their diagnostic process. While they probably won’t be able to render immediate assistance, they may not know about the problem yet, so your input could help speed up the fix.