What Causes Fire Sticks to Overheat?

All electronics generate at least some heat when they’re on. Now, typically isn’t an issue, but too much heat can cause it to stop working correctly or shut down. The main reason Fire Stick devices overheat is they don’t have any form of active cooling or even vents. When a Fire Stick overheats, you’ll notice one or more of these symptoms:

Fire Stick shuts down by itself.Fire Stick reboots spontaneously.Fire Stick can’t connect to Wi-Fi or has poor connectivity.Apps take a long time to open.Streams buffer more than usual.Menus freeze.

How Do I Stop My Fire Stick From Overheating?

When too much heat builds up inside a Fire Stick, it overheats. To stop or prevent it from overheating, you need to do everything you can to cool it down. If it still overheats, the Fire Stick may be working too hard due to issues with your installed apps. Here’s how to stop a Fire Stick from overheating:

Can a Fire Stick Burn Out?

A Fire Stick can burn out if it gets too hot for too long, but it’s not common. In most cases, an overheated Fire Stick will start working again if you allow it to cool down.

Should You Leave a Fire Stick Plugged In?

Your Fire Stick can remain plugged in all the time. You can unplug it and move it to another TV any time you like, but you shouldn’t unplug it if you don’t have a reason to. The HDMI plug on your Fire Stick can wear out from excessive use like any other plug. The HDMI port on your TV can also wear out from excessive use, so it’s best to leave the Fire Stick plugged in unless you need it somewhere else or you’re trying to fix an overheating problem.

Can I Leave My Fire Stick on All the Time?

It’s OK to leave your Fire Stick on all the time. Fire Sticks don’t have off switches, so the only way to turn them off is to disconnect them from power. You can accomplish that by unplugging the USB cable, connecting to a powered USB port on your TV that shuts off along with the TV or plugging a USB adapter into a smart plug that lets you turn the power on and off. While it is acceptable to leave a Fire Stick on all the time under normal circumstances, it’s a little different if you’re having problems with overheating. If your Fire Stick overheats a lot, shutting it off when it isn’t in use can help.