Chromecast devices have a single LED which can change a number of different colors, each of which indicates either the process the Chromecast is carrying out or indicates an error has occurred. When a Chromecast blinks white, it indicates the Chromecast is disconnected. It can also indicate the Chromecast needs to be set up, so you’ll see your Chromecast blink white prior to setting it up the first time.

How to Fix a Chromecast That’s Blinking White

To fix a Chromecast that’s blinking white, you need to connect it to your network or set it up. If the Chromecast stopped working suddenly, then it’s probably just having trouble connecting to your network. If that isn’t the problem, then the Chromecast may have to be reset and set up again.  To fix a Chromecast that’s blinking white, try each of these fixes:

What Color Should the Light on My Chromecast Be?

The LED on your Chromecast can change to a number of different colors, it can blink, and it can also dim and brighten. Each combination of these factors indicates a different thing, allowing the Chromecast to communicate a decent amount of information with just one LED light. When a Chromecast is operating normally, the light will be white. Here’s what the different LED colors mean on a Chromecast:

Solid white: The Chromecast is connected to your network, active, and either casting or ready to start casting.Dim white: The Chromecast is on but idle.Blinking white: The Chromecast is unable to connect, or it needs to be set up.Pulsing white and orange: The Chromecast is in the process of updating. Don’t disconnect the Chromecast from power, because that will interrupt the update.Blinking orange: The Chromecast is performing a self-diagnostic. It will return to a white LED unless the device has a problem.Solid orange: Indicates there may be a problem with the Chromecast. Try unplugging it from power for about a minute and then plugging back in.Pulsing red: Indicates an update is in progress in older Chromecast devices.Solid red: Indicates a problem with the device in older Chromecasts. Try unplugging from power for about a minute then plugging back in.