Common Reasons Why Spotify Won’t Connect Properly

There are many reasons why Spotify might not be working. Some of the most common include:

Internet connection issuesApp bugsBluetooth connection issuesOutages on Spotify’s endMissing updates

Basic Spotify Troubleshooting Steps

Before you dig deeper into troubleshooting the music streaming service, start with these essential steps that may solve a range of issues with the app:

Restart the device: Restarting a device is the first step to take with any problem with any app on your device. Restart the Spotify connection: Once you restart the device, open the Spotify app or service to see if the problem persists.

If Spotify still refuses to cooperate when other websites are working, it’s time to move on to further troubleshooting steps.

How to Fix Spotify Streaming Errors

The You’re Offline error is the most common error that Spotify users see within the app. Yet, you may also see the error message Can’t Play the Current Track. These issues are common streaming errors within Spotify and require the same troubleshooting steps.

How to Fix Spotify Sound Issues

Is the music stuttering or going in and out? Are you not hearing any sound coming from the device, even though Spotify shows music playing? There are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to solve these sound issues.

How to Fix Songs Not Downloading on Spotify

Spotify allows users to download music for offline listening. Are you unable to download a playlist or a song? There are a few things you can try.

How to Find a Missing Playlist on Spotify

Are you missing your favorite playlist? If so, don’t panic. Instead, try these troubleshooting steps. If you’re unable to solve the issue, the cause could be a bug undergoing investigation by Spotify. Check out Spotify’s Ongoing Issues community for updates.