All icons lose color and appear in only black and white.The entire display and every app you open only appear in grayscale.The display still has some color, but it appears faded or a light shade of only one color.

Each of these behaviors is a symptom of some setting you might have inadvertently set without realizing it. Understanding which settings can cause this behavior will help you set things back to normal.

Cause of Phone Screen Turning Black and White

Your icons or entire phone screen may turn black and white for many reasons. Two of the most common causes are accessibility settings that alter screen or icon colors, as well as power-saving mode options. However, other issues can change screen colors to black and white. These include hardware failures, faulty OS updates, or a faulty charger. To set your display colors back to normal, follow the steps below to reset these settings.

How to Fix When Your Phone Screen Turns Black and White

The following troubleshooting will start from the most straightforward fix for a black and white phone screen before moving to more advanced or complex solutions.