These problems can occur at any time, and you may experience a situation where your headset stops working, then starts working again, while you’re using it.

Causes of an Xbox One Headset Not Working

When an Xbox One headset stops working, it can be due to a problem with the headset, a problem with the controller, or a problem with the Xbox One settings. Common issues include frayed cords and broken wires, bent headphone plugs, and loose headphone jacks.

How to Fix an Xbox One Headset That Doesn’t Work

In most cases, you can fix an Xbox One headset that doesn’t work yourself. To figure out what the problem is, and fix it, go through the following troubleshooting steps in order. Attempt each fix, and then check to see if your headset works. If the headset is defective, the difficulty associated with repairing a headset, and the low cost of replacing one, means you’re usually better off buying a new one. To check these settings, go to Settings > Account > Privacy & online safety > View details & customize > Communicate with voice and text > everybody. To rule this out, go to Settings > Display & Sound > Volume > Chat mixer. Then, select Do nothing. To rule this out, go to Settings > Display & Sound > Volume > Party chat output, and select Speakers. Press the person icon, and see if the headset starts working. To power cycle a console, press and hold the Xbox One’s power button until the LED goes off and leave it off for several minutes. While you wait, turn the controller off or remove the batteries to shut it off right away. After a few minutes have passed, press the Xbox One power button again. It will startup, and you should see the boot-up animation on your TV that indicates it has power cycled.