What Does AVF 11800 OS 16041 Mean?

If you’re trying to play a show or movie on Netflix and you encounter Netflix error code AVF 11800 OS 16041 (or just error code 11800), it usually means that Netflix cannot connect for some reason. Usually, that means a network issue or simply that your device needs to be refreshed to clear out corrupted data preventing you from connecting. This text often accompanies the error code: “A problem occurred while playing this item. Try again later, or select a different item. Go to www.netflix.com/support for more information.” Or “Cannot play title. Please try again later.”

Why Is Netflix Saying Cannot Play Title?

You most often receive this error because there is corrupt information stored in your Netflix app, or you cannot connect to the network (which could result from data that needs to be refreshed). Since it’s an error that only occurs on Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, it can be related to the length of time you’ve spent streaming on that device, a network issue that is preventing Netflix from connecting, or an outdated Netflix app. Fortunately, a few troubleshooting steps could get you streaming again.

How Do I Fix Netflix Error 11800?

If you’ve encountered Netflix Error 11800, the troubleshooting steps below should help you get the service reconnected so you can go back to watching whatever entertainment you’ve found on the service. Try each step in order until you find the one that solves the problem. If you need to restart Apple TV, unplug it from the power and wait at least two minutes. Then plug it back in, turn Apple TV and your TV back on, and try Netflix again.

Delete the app from Apple TV. Delete the app from iPhone. Delete the app from iPad. Delete the app from iPod Touch.

Once you’ve deleted the app, restart your device to remove any traces of it that might have been left behind, then reinstall the app and sign back in to see if it will start working again.