Maybe you see the login screen but after entering your password, nothing happens. On the other hand, maybe you can log in but then Windows freezes and you have to reboot manually. Then again, maybe Windows seems to start, but your desktop never shows up and all you can do is move your mouse around a blank screen. Regardless of the specifics, this is the troubleshooting guide to use if Windows starts most of the way but you can’t get logged in or your desktop never fully loads.

How to Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Login

Of course, this will only work if the cause of your Windows login issue is related to the registry or a driver configuration. CMOS batteries are very inexpensive and one that is no longer keeping a charge can cause all sorts of strange behavior at any point during a computer’s startup process, all the way up to the loading of the Windows desktop. Try reseating the following hardware and then see if Windows will fully start:

Reseat all internal data and power cables. Reseat the memory modules. Reseat any expansion cards.

If your system memory is failing, your computer may freeze, stop, or reboot at any point, including during or after the Windows login process. Replace the memory in your computer if the memory test shows any kind of problem. Replace your hard drive if your tests show an issue. After replacing the hard drive, you’ll need to perform a new installation of Windows. If no hard drive issues are found then the hard drive is physically fine, meaning the cause of your problem must be with Windows, in which case the next step will solve the problem.