Data Use in Hidden Worksheets

An Excel worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains cells. Each cell can hold text, a number, or a formula, and each cell can reference a different cell on the same worksheet, the same workbook, or a different workbook. By default, all open Excel workbooks display worksheet tabs on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, but you can hide or display them as needed. At least one worksheet must be visible at all times. Hiding worksheets doesn’t mean you’re deleting them, and you can still reference them in formulas and charts located on other worksheets or other workbooks.

Hide Worksheets Using the Contextual Menu

The options available in the contextual menu — the right-click menu — change depending on what is selected. If the Hide option is inactive or grayed out, most likely, the current workbook has only one worksheet. Excel deactivates the Hide option for single-sheet workbooks because there must always be at least one visible sheet.

How to Hide a Single Worksheet

Hide Worksheets Using the Ribbon

Excel has no keyboard shortcut for hiding worksheets, but you can use the ribbon bar to accomplish the same task.

How to Hide Multiple Worksheets

Unhide Worksheets Using the Contextual Menu

You can unhide tabs using the contextual menu, just as you can hide them.

Unhide Worksheets Using the Ribbon

As with hiding worksheets, Excel has no keyboard shortcut for unhiding a sheet, but you can still use the ribbon.