Hide an Individual Post

Your Facebook news feed is a great place to quickly scan for updates on the activities of friends and family. However, you may encounter shared articles or other posts that annoy or offend you. There’s no need to unfriend a Facebook connection if they’re posting things you don’t want to see. It’s easy to hide individual posts, snooze a friend for 30 days, or even unfollow someone if you don’t want to see their content on your news feed. If you encounter something you just don’t want to see, whether from a friend or a page, hide the post and let Facebook know that this isn’t something you like.

Hide All Posts From a Source

You may have very different political views or interests from some of your Facebook friends. If a friend shares posts with content you find offensive or simply don’t want to see, you can hide all posts coming from that source.

Temporarily Snooze a Friend or Page for 30 Days

If you just need a break from a friend or page, snooze them for 30 days. After 30 days, they’ll reappear again.

Unfollow to Stop Seeing Posts

Hiding posts from friends or pages helps Facebook refine the types of posts you want to see, but it won’t hide every post from that particular friend or page. If you want to hide all their posts yet still remain connected to them, it’s time to unfollow them. You’ll still remain friends or a fan of the page, but you’ll no longer see any of their posts in your news feed.