How to Install iTunes on a Windows 10 or 11 PC

Access the download from your desktop in Windows 10 and 11.

How to Install iTunes on a Windows 8 or 7 PC

In Windows 8 or Windows 7, the iTunes software download is available from Apple.

Add iTunes and QuickTime shortcuts to my desktop: This places the iTunes and QuickTime icons on the desktop for easy access. If you often launch programs by double-clicking icons on the desktop, choose this. iTunes is added to the Start menu regardless of what you choose here. Use iTunes as the default player for audio files: Choose this to have iTunes handle audio files, including CDs, MP3s, podcasts, and downloads. Default iTunes language: Choose the language you want iTunes to be in. Destination Folder: This is where iTunes and its files are installed. Unless you know what you’re doing with this and have a reason to change it, use the default setting.