Can a Modem Go Bad?

Most people leave modems running 24 hours a day, even when they’re sleeping. The modem constantly communicates with the ISP and handles traffic between any device in your home that may automatically connect to the internet. It may include mobile devices, smart home devices, and more. Because of this, the modem runs hot. That heat quickly degrades the electronic components inside the modem. Most modems show failure signs before they shut down for good.

How to Tell if Your Modem Is Bad

If your internet drops out often, or your modem automatically restarts itself, you could be facing a failing modem. The following steps will help you identify if your modem is failing and whether you should replace it before it dies entirely.

No internet access when you connect via Wi-Fi or with an ethernet cableInability to connect to Wi-Fi (if it’s a dual modem/router)Inability to connect to the modem using the default gateway IP address