How to Make a Playlist on YouTube

How to Find Great Playlists on YouTube

Being able to make your own playlists is great, but it’s also nice to see what’s already out there so you don’t have to do all the creating yourself. Here are three easy ways to find great public playlists that other users have created for the YouTube community.

Public: Searchable by all users on YouTube.Unlisted: Anyone with the direct link can access and watch it.Private: Only you can access and watch it.

Description: Write a brief description to let viewers know what your playlist is all about.Playlist settings: Change the playlist to Public, Unlisted or Private. You can also change the automatic ordering as you add new videos.Remove: On, select the X to the right of any video to delete it from your playlist. On the app, select the three vertical dots to the right of any video followed by Remove from playlist name.Drag-and-drop to reorder: On, hover your cursor over the far left edge of the video to click and hold down the three vertical dots that appear. Then you can drag it anywhere within your playlist to reorder it. Do this with your finger on the app.

Search for Something and Use the Playlist Filter

When you do a search on YouTube, you can specifically search for playlists only.

Check Out the Playlists Tab on Users’ Channels

Users who’ve created public playlists will have a section on their channels where their playlists can be viewed and played.

Keep an Eye Out for Playlist Thumbnails

Playlist thumbnails show a black overlay on the right side of the video thumbnail with the number of videos in the playlist plus a playlist icon. These might appear as suggested/related videos on any video page, in search results and in other places.