Turn on Google Voice Match

Give your eyes a rest and allow your Android device to read your texts to you. This feature (as well as sending texts using your voice) is available through Google and the free apps that you can download from Google Play. Google is installed by default on Android devices. It provides basic voice texting functionality without additional software. If you have Android 4.4 or above and the Voice Match setting activated, you’re good to go. Here’s how to enable the setting:

Tell Google What to Do

Now you can issue commands to Google. First, speak the wake phrase, OK Google or Hey Google, to alert it. Alternatively, select the microphone icon in the Google app or the search bar on the home screen. Next, speak a command. Here are some examples of texting commands Google responds to and what to expect when you issue the command:

Show me my last messages. Google announces the sender of the previous five messages. Then, it asks if you want each message to be read or skipped. Those you approve are read aloud. After each message is read, you have the option to send a reply using your voice.Send a text. Google prompts you for the name of the person you want to send the text to and the message content.Do I have any messages? Google informs you of new text messages.Show me my last message. Google displays the most recent conversation.

Download Google Assistant

Another way to use Google voice commands is through the Google Assistant app. You can download it for free on Google Play. After you install the app, open the app, then speak the commands described above.

Use Third-Party Apps

Several third-party apps support voice texting. Here are three popular options:

ReadItToMe: Reads incoming messages aloud and translates messages to proper English. This feature can be helpful if you receive texts with spelling errors or shorthand. ping: Converts text messages to audio. It also converts email, Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook messages. Drivemode: This app was designed to be used while driving. Use this app to reply to messages using voice commands, set up text message auto-replies, and more.